Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The baseball gear has finally landed in my house!  I have never seen so many awesome and hats and jerseys.  Thank you for the donated hockey caps as well.  I always talk about my favorite sport and now I can show them some teams.  I was grateful to finally open up the first package and see the gear for myself.  I am organizing it as we speak for the 5 high schools(again Kaele, Boyboyo, Lara, Minjivin, and Guidiguis).  I decided to take a break and write this blog because it is the middle of the day and no one wants to be out in that sun.

As for the schedule for the future.  I will be organizing and calling my professors this week to set up for next week.  Right now we have a tentative plan of each day.  Each day I will arrive at a different village during the afternoon and I will be handing over the equipment to the sports professors which they will keep in their office during non-school hours.  We will also try out the equipment for the first time with the students.


Monday - Boyboyo (You may have seen pictures from my facebook of the crocodile lake nearby)
Tuesday - Guidiguis (A new volunteer was just posted there)
Wednesday - Kaele (My town, you can't ask for a better one except maybe Edina or Iowa City)
Thursday - Lara (My training mate, Rachel, lives here and she lives at the bottom of a beautiful mountain)
Friday - Minjivin (My favorite bike ride because of the rural towns you see)

I will always be adding more pictures, and I think we can expect some next week.  I do apologize for the lack of pictures weekly.  Technical difficulties for my technology has included losing a computer, kindle, and camera to the life of traveling, working and rain here in Cameroon.  Three volunteers are sharing one camera at the moment and another one is doing a great Worlds Aids day project this Saturday.  Check for local promotions and testing sites for your Worlds Aids Day options!

Seko Poli (Thank you very much in Mundang)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

We have had a great 2 weeks here in Kaele, perfect Baseball weather and I haven't seen a drop of rain in over a month.  Our fields will be a little sandy, but maybe next year we can work on my sand trap game.  I have been to Guidiguis and Kaele(where I live) during these past 2 weeks and it has been a lot of fun.  Kickball has been easily the best way to teach the rules of the sport.  It has been great to see what I assume the students already know and what they actually know.  A few students have watched baseball games, but the basic idea of running or where to throw the ball has been a great teaching moment for me.

In other news, I met with the the Delegate of Development of Young People and Sports today.  We should be hosting sometime next January a seminar for the Sports Teachers in and around Kaele how to teach baseball to their students.  He stated it was a good opportunity to show a different sport, but also learn different ways teach.  We have a tentative date of Friday, January 11th, 2013, but as you all know things are subject to change here.

I hope to be working with him also for a baseball camp next year during the spring break.  I will be looking for students who have the passion of baseball, not just the best.

For some even more great news, my contact at the post office said the first stage of materials will arrive in Maroua on Wednesday(tomorrow).  I will going into Maroua Thursday after my business class to retrieve the equipment and finally play some ball.

Thank you for all the patience and support.  With the equipment finally here, expect some more great pictures soon.